I almost went bowling last night

Me, Hugo-not bowling-07.02.18_adj01-sm.jpg

I almost went bowling last night. 
For my birthday.
I put on my best polyester slacks and a very itchy wool sweater that seemed like a sweater a bowler might wear.
When we got to the bowling alley we learned that Monday night is $1.50 A Game night.
"Oh", we thought, "Lucky us!".
I handed my shoe to the guy behind the counter, but he didn't take it.
Instead he gave me a small piece of paper with the number 65 on it.
He said it would be 15 or maybe 30 minutes before he could give us a lane.
Apparently people who bowl like a good discount.
$1.50 a game is a good discount.
I did not know that before, but I know it now.

45 minutes later we were still waiting. Erica went to the counter to inquire.
The man called her "honey" three times.
He was not able to tell her when we would get a lane.
We decided to come back.
On Full Price night.

When I got to the car I took off the itchy sweater.


Meet you all the way


Headache, scream, insane, cushy