Imaginary friend
fence in pilsen neighborhood of chicago. 2018
then she asks "is someone in the room with you? someone you trust? a guide?" no. i don't see anyone. then i think i should see someone - if i was doing it "right", i would see a guide. so then a person starts to appear, but i know it's only because it was suggested, and while he's appearing i'm thinking "a guide? you mean like an imaginary friend, like crazy people have?", and i don't know if i should tell her "yes, i see someone", or "no. this is stupid. can i please leave now?" then i get in an argument with myself about leaving versus staying, being willing to do the work, or walking away from it. and this guide that she asked if i was seeing is now sitting there in my imagination waiting, like an extra on a film set, and he has a beard and a robe, and the beard looks fake, and he gives me a look, like "well, are you going to need me or not?", and i just silently reply to him "don't look at me, dude. this is not my production".